Shopify T-Shirt
This product is temporarily unavailable
So this is a product.
The text you see here is a Product Description. Every product has a price, a weight, a picture and a description. To edit the description of this product or to create a new product you can go to the "Products Tab":/admin/products of the administration menu.
Once you have mastered the creation and editing of products you will want your products to show up on your Shopify site. There is a two step process to do this.
First you need to add your products to a Collection. A Collection is an easy way to group products together. If you go to the "Collections Tab":/admin/collections of the administration menu you can begin creating collections and adding products to them.
Second you'll need to create a link from your shop's navigation menu to your Collections. You can do this by going to the "Navigations Tab":/admin/links of the administration menu and clicking on "Add a link".
Good luck with your shop!